Description and origin
Beetroot is a root vegetable , and as a medicinal herb is known for more than two thousand years.
Today's tame beetroot originated from the wild that can still be found on the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The ancients used only thick fleshy leaves of beetroot , while its root was hard and unusable. For centuries, vegetable growers experimented until they got today of beetroot , with juicy big red root, but they neglected the list .
Beet root is a rich red color that originates from a group of red pigment called betacyanins . In the colonial era beetroot juice painted the icing on the cake and baked pink pancakes.
Energy and nutritive value
Beetroot is extremely useful and medicinal vegetables that can be used throughout the year.
Average chemical composition of beetroot calculated on 100 g fresh ingredients : water 88 g , protein 1.5 g , fat 0.1 g , carbohydrates 9.4 g fiber 2.5 g Energy value beetroot is only 45 kcal per 100 g of fresh foods .
Beetroot is easy to digest foods. It contains almost all mineral ingredients: potassium, phosphorus , calcium, magnesium, iron , fluorine , sulfur , iodine , bromine , lithium , rubidium , cesium and strontium . It is important to note that beetroot contains a certain amount of cobalt that is involved in the creation of vitamin B12.
Also important is the presence of vitamin B1 , B2 , B6 , C, folate and pantothenic acid , although not in large quantities. An excellent source of folate ( 27 % of RDA per 100 g ) and a good source of manganese ( 16 % of RDA per 100 g ) , potassium ( 10 % of RDA per 100 g ) and fiber ( 11 % of RDA per 100 g ) .
The medicinal value of beetroot is already known from ancient times. It is used as an aid in the treatment of malaria , acute fibrotic diseases and flu at an early stage and to regulate blood pressure , especially low , a positive effect on the nerves and the brain . Beetroot is useful in the treatment of anemia , especially in children and young adults , and also facilitated the work of the stomach, intestines and bile.
It is also very important in the diet of vegetarians because it contains a certain amount of cobalt that is involved in the creation of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is involved in the creation of red blood cells in the blood , and the lack of this vitamin causes pernicious anemia . That's why beetroot is one of the best natural remedies for treating anemia and anemia .
Beetroot contains iodine. The presence of iodine cycle seems invaluable in the fight against atherosclerosis and in slowing the aging process , therefore, is recommended for the elderly .
Because selenium content beetroot is food that has the quality of remineralization and successfully opposes premature aging and participate in the general cleaning of the body.
It also contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory in the body .
Beetroot is best eaten raw and grated it with a little lemon juice . If you want to enhance the flavor of this prepared salad with carrots, beets , use , and / or a sour apples . You will be amazed fullness of flavors such combinations .
Beetroot juice is very healing , and taste it can improve the addition of honey and lemon.
Beetroot can be consumed in any form without any adverse consequences and limitations , it is easy to digest and does not adversely affect the secretion of the stomach.
Thanks to the presence of anthocyanins , which give beets red color affects the recovery of blood, suppresses the growth of tumor cells and serves as a natural remedy for the protection and removal of the effects of harmful radiation . In addition, betaine and betanin from beetroot helps in strengthening blood vessels, regulating blood pressure , reduce cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the metabolism and liver work , and strengthen the immune system and the body.
Multiple beneficial effects of beetroot on the human body in combination with a very affordable price is a real boon to health accessible to everyone.
Buying and storing beetroot
Depending on the variety, beetroot is available at a marketplace lipnja to October.
Beet root is round or oval shape, small or medium size , should be dark red , intact skin , firm structure and a thin tip . What is the diameter of the root larger , mid his drvenastija and has good flavor . And beetroot leaves are edible , so they buy fresh, very green length of about 15 cm.
When storing beets in the refrigerator before using cut it leaves a few inches above the root , and the root store in a plastic bag 7-10 days. Remove damaged leaves , and other store in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for up to two days.
a great story!!!