Saturday, September 28, 2013

Octopus stew

Octopus stew

      1 kg octopus
      100 ml olive oil
      500 g onions
      5 cloves of garlic
      200 g chopped tomato
       bay leaf
      100 ml white wine
      1 teaspoon lemon juice
      1 tablespoon
vegetable spices

 Octopus cook in boiling water so that the water covers and cook it until tender (about an hour).

Remove the cooked octopus, cut into large chunks, and the water in which you cooked completely.

The wide and deep pan on hot olive oil, cook onion and diced until soft, add the chopped garlic and pour it with water in which you cooked octopus.

Add chopped tomato, pepper, bay leaf and Vegeta. Saute for about 10 minutes, then add the octopus, wine and lemon juice and continue to simmer until the liquid evaporates.

If necessary add salt dish and add the chopped parsley.

Serve with polenta

1 comment:

  1. You can put more fish dishes overhere, Because i am from Holland and we dont have Recepies from your Country. So it would be nice, because we like Fish a Lot !. Go on with the good work, Bye Dave
