Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chestnuts , autumn treat

Chestnuts , autumn treat

Nothing reminds autumn like hot chestnuts that heat frostily palms on a cloudy day .Smell of chestnuts , either baked or cooked , always creates a sense of comfort and warmth . Chestnuts appear and consume in the prehistory to the Mediterranean and Asia. Initially grown in China, Japan , and then they were Roman legions brought to Europe. It is known that roasted chestnuts sold on the streets of Rome in the ancient 16th century , and the scent , but then expanded the streets just as it does today. Chestnuts belong to the group of nuts , but since its a cousin ( walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts ) different low -fat and high- starch and only contain vitamin C. Chestnuts are characterized by a special texture and a sweet , mild flavor . It is known a hundred different species of chestnut . It is generally divided into tame and wild . Tame are edible , and a special treat among them Lovran chestnuts that are sweeter and larger than ordinary chestnuts and the famous " Lovranska marunijada " favorite experience of all true lovers of chestnuts . On the other hand, the horse chestnut , which unfortunately is not for eating , it has healing properties. Most often mentioned as an aid to varicose veins and damaged capillaries , and its extracts are used for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

Nutritional Value

By nutritional composition chestnuts are similar to brown rice , and are an excellent source of trace elements ( minerals that we need in very small quantities ) . Proteins they are not your strong suit , but because they are very rich in starch , and is one of these foods can make and flour. Chestnut is the only nut that contains vitamin C and an excellent source of vitamin B6. For example, 100 g chestnut provides over 50% of the reference daily intake ( RNI ) for vitamin B6. Chestnuts are also a good source of potassium and folic acid , and dietary fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Chestnut is a food that is characterized by a higher energy value , as 100 grams of roasted chestnuts contains about 213 kcal .

Nutritional value of 100 g chestnut :Energy value [ kcal ] : 213Carbohydrates [ g ] : 45.54Protein [ g ] : 2:42Fat [ g ] : 2.26Saturated m.k. [ g ] : 0.425Dietary fibers [ g ] : 8.1Cholesterol [mg ] : 0Vitamin A [ mg ] : 8.4Vitamin B1 [mg ] : 0238Vitamin B12 [ mg ] : 0Vitamin B2 [mg ] : 0168Vitamin B3 [mg ] : 1.179Vitamin B5 [mg ] : 0509Vitamin B6 [mg ] : 0376Folic acid [ mg ] : 62Vitamin C [ mg ] : 43Copper [mg ] : 0.447Zinc [mg ] : 00:52Phosphorus [mg ] : 93Sodium [ mg ] : 3Calcium [mg ] : 27Potassium [mg ] : 518Magnesium [ Mg ] : 32Manganese [mg ] : 0952Iron [mg ] : 1.01Water [ g] : 48.65

Health benefits

Relatively high energy value owed ​​to the high percentage of starch makes chestnut excellent choice for athletes, persons exposed to physical exertion and children. Given that rich in potassium, as well as being low in sodium , chestnuts are a perfect fit in the diet of people with cardiovascular and renal disease . Also , dietary fiber contained in them can be of help to all people with irregular stool . Chestnut leaf tea is known folk remedy for problems with the respiratory system such as bronchitis and asthma , while the bark and wood of chestnut used as adstringens .

Selecting and storing chestnuts

When buying chestnuts should be noted that the fruits of a larger , glossy , no holes in the shell , which is a sign that there is no undesirable larvae. When we take them in hand , the mass of them must match the size and must not have a hollow sound when you shake them . Chestnuts should be kept refrigerated until 2 weeks, and it is useful to check whether the individual fruits emerged holes and then these fruits should be set aside .

preparing chestnuts

Gastronomic application goes much further than just enjoying the boiled or roasted chestnuts . Range of dishes with chestnuts is diverse and extends from soups through main courses to desserts and baked desserts. Chestnuts are often added to salads and pasta dishes . In many countries of the world Christmas is unimaginable without a turkey stuffing chestnut stuffing . Besides enjoying the whipped cream, mashed boiled chestnuts ( for consistency similar to potatoes ) , and its application is as a filling for various dough. Also used in the preparation of sauces served with venison. Roasted chestnuts can be dried and ground into flour , which gives a rich and delicious crust while preparing cakes and pies .

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