Saturday, October 5, 2013

Easter bread

 Easter bread


 Looking at their written recipes I found one receptor that we are very pleased that I got from an old friend. Although I've changed a little bit how to prepare remained the same.
This cake-bread is traditional for Easter, although today most housewife buys the finished baked products but I do still prefer to do it myself


      1.5 kg of flour type 550
      pinch of salt
      2 lemon and orange zest
      0.5dl brandy pear
      3 whole eggs
      4 egg yolks
       milk as needed
      40g yeast-1 cube
       sugar as desired
      2 baking powder
      half margarine


     Preparation is very simple all ingredients except margarine mix in semi-soft dough then add rastopljni margarine until well umjesiti in my experience it is better that the dough is a little softer than totally hard.
     leave to rise for about half an hour and premjesiti again and leave to rise.
     of dough to form 3 or 4 balls that we put on wax paper slit and let rise for another 30 minutes. in a preheated oven 180 degrees put flat bread oven for about half an hour.
     when is a cake baked coated with egg white that is left, and sprinkle with coarse sugar crystals and bake another 5 minutes.

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