Friday, October 25, 2013

Stuffed zucchini

 Stuffed zucchini

need for 4 people

4 medium zucchini
200 grams of rice
100 g smoked bacon
grated Parmesan
1 dl white wine
0.25 l cream
olive oil

Slice zucchini lengthwise into halves, hollow out the middle and blanch them to be al dente.
Cook rice, strain and add salt, pepper, parmesan raibani, a little garlic we chop the parsley, thyme and small diced smoked bacon.

with this mixture fill both halves of the flask and connect together.

At the heated pan add olive oil, chopped garlic with parsley, salt, pepper and thyme.
briefly fry, watch that garlic does not burn it.
pour the white wine and let it evaporate in half, then pour cream over low heat and cook for about 3 minutes,

  zucchini pour the prepared sauce and serve

Bon appetite